Monday, June 17, 2019

My Knees Experience

17th June 2019, I'm back to write my blog! I've stopped writing in 2013. Why? Cos lazy and busy! Hahaha~ 😅 Anyway, this time I came back cos there is a long article to share about my health. Yes! MY KNEES!

28th Apr 2012. Hiked alone & selfie
From the beginning, I was really weak. I started hiking from which I seldom to workout and never prepare very well at all. Hiking too slow will be jeopardized the whole team and expedition. Yep! It happened to me before at Pine Tree Trail. I remember that a lady hiker said to me: "Yor..... we all have been waiting for you until hungry already!" My feeling was hurt cos my team never taken care of me during hiking and I was alone all the way to the peak. When I reached the peak, they started to descend and one of my teammates asked another group of guy hikers to look after me. I was disappointed and unhappy cos they left me behind. Besides, my legs were injured so became super slow. 😢

24th June 2012. Started to join running event 10km

Due to this issue, I left the group alone and went to join some running events. As my job is a graphic design and worked in an advertising agency, I hardly spend extra time to do a workout.  In November 2013, I changed my job and worked in-house agency. It's totally changed my lifestyle whereby I don't need to stay back late every day and I've got extra free time at night. So I started to go hiking 4 times a week including night hike and weekends. One day, I went hiking Mount Angsi at Negeri Sembilan on 4th Jan 2014. Suddenly I met back a guy hiker who looked after me before during my legs injured at Pine Tree Trail. To be honest, I've never thought that he is willing to guide and teach me about camping and basic survival. I can say that I'm lucky to meet him and I remember he said to me: "I'm willing to teach you cos I can see you are very passionate about hiking. I hope you would follow me and join our group." I was touched, seriously! 😭 And he became my hiking master. Because of his high expectation, I was too energetic and stressed whenever I followed him until I've neglected to take care of my knees. 😅

4th Jan 2014. Started to hike more. My stamina has improved & better than before

In 2014, my knees have started injured seriously. Every time I hike, I've never done any recovery or even take any supplement. I thought I rested will be healed it naturally but it was wrong! I remember that after I hiked Mount Kinabalu at Borneo Sabah in East Malaysia, my both thighs of muscle and calf had swelled. It became worst cos I kept continued hiking and camping until I totally can't squat down and walk down at all. Super duper trauma and I can feel hurt in my heart every single I stepped down. 😣

During 5 days, It still pains even I couldn't sleep well. Once I put my left leg to straight, I felt the nerve has been pulled until I couldn't breathe well. So I went to see a second Chinese doctor for orthopedic treatment. According to the doctor, my left leg already shortens than right leg about 1 inch and out of shape. So he has to pull my knee bone to adjust back to normal. The terrible part is when he pulled, there is a sound "click", the knee bone was twisted. That's the most painful ever and I was screamed without tears. I hold my breath deeply when he massaged. 😖

Second-time treatment on 14th Aug 2014.
Painful during doctor pulled my left knee of bone and adjusted back to normal

As the doctor advised me not to go running and hiking at the moment so I stopped camping and hiking and decided to get a bicycle for cycling as a replacement. Cycling can help me to maintain my stamina and strength so I bought a cheap bicycle for training. Cycling won't impact our knees seriously. It's good training for climbing uphill which using our body strength and legs muscle. I was cycling for a few months only.

Bought a cheap bicycle
during my legs recovery
In Jan 2015, I started hiking back. I wanted to test whether is fully recover or not so I went hiking Kutu Hill, the height is 1,090 meter. I thought my legs were fine but totally not at all! I've joined Mount Rinjani trip in Indonesia for hiking on 1st May, no matter what I've got to train back hard within 4 months. On 14th Feb Valentine's day, I decided to go to see a doctor and get their consultation. So I went to see 3 different doctors which were a Chinese doctor, a specialist doctor, and a government doctor. Chinese doctor and specialist doctor advice me to quit hiking cos it's very bad for knees. To me, there is NO QUIT in my life! My passion and hobby are hiking and camping! Impossible no solution even elder hikers 70 years old can hike Annapurna Base Camp! So I went to see the last one government doctor and she said: How old are you? Do you know that most old people 60 years old and above only have osteoarthritis problems? But you are still young!" I was "phew" 😅 So she gave me some pain killer when needed and a recovery pill then asked me to rest and stop doing any hardcore workout at least 6-12 months. To be frank, I didn't cos Mount Rinjani trip will be coming soon. So I tried not to go camping and do so much of a hardcore hike. After I came back from that trip, again..... thigh muscle swell 😑 End up the last hike was Mount Yong Yap (G7) on 18th July and this was the last hardcore hiking that I've done then stopped immediately for knees recovery.

18th Jul 2015. Peak view at Mount Yong Yap and It was my last hike. One of the G7 ranking no.6, height 7,110 feet
During 12 months, I went to the gym and joined TRX training class. Although my knees sometimes felt hurt during the workout, the suspension rope helped me to hold my body weight and slowly to build up my thigh and calf muscles, trained for the strength and core. To be frank, load training (carry heavyweight of a backpack) will be harmful on our knees as well. Usually, I carry the weight around a minimum of 16kg, at first, my body needs to put down the weight (slim down) and at the same time build up my leg muscles. After my knees recovered, I was extremely working hard and put extra effort to build up my legs muscle.

100% flat foot!
Meanwhile, I bought a pair of insole to insert my hiking shoe due to my foot is flat. Yep! Totally flat like a McDonald's foot! 😅 Anyhow, it will affect both knees if I don't wear the insole to support them. In the future when I get old, my legs will become O shape and I will be having a walking problem. At least it helps and recommends for those who have flat foot should buy an insole or custom make. I wore the insole already a year. As I'm very active and hike regularly, it can't wear for a long time. As I always cross the river with my shoe, lots of stone and sand will go inside my shoe. Due to this issue, it will rub until the insole will spoil quickly. Moreover, it's not cheap that I bought. Cos it's specialized in flat foot and branding, it cost RM230 per pair! End up I'm not buying anymore and try to search other solutions instead of depending on the insole. So the solution is to stand the correct position and do more muscle build-up training to protect my knees.

Low arch for the flat foot to protect our knees
Furthermore, cardio, core, and strength workout is a must. That's the reason why I chose TRX training. TRX is an acronym for a suspension based exercise system and is known as Total Body Resistance Exercise. The system focuses on developing agility, speed, endurance, and body resistance via a mechanism of suspension exercises. Basically taking the supplement will help to replenish muscle tissue, ligament, and cartilage. FISH OIL and EPO (Evening Primrose Oil) supplement did really helps me to relieve my cartilage inflammation. Eat and drink healthy food beverages, rest more, and do recovery every time after workout. Then continue workout alternatively. I've been kept this training inconsistency for almost 2 years until I'm ready for the hardest of mountains which I've been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. ✊
Installed TRX equipment in my house and self-training since I've learned 3 years already
2017, finally, I'm ready to move on to the next level and continue for my wish list. My wish list is wanted to complete G7 which is 7 mountains of 7,000 feet height and above in West Malaysia including the highest of Mount Tahan. From January until June within 6 months, I've completed 5 mountains of G7! Mount Tahan, Mount Korbu, Mount Gayong, Mount Chamah, and Mount Ulu Sepat. Another 2 mountains of G7 were already completed in 2015, Mount Yong Belar and Mount Yong Yap which I mentioned this was the last hike. So what are the G7 mountains? (Refer to the chart below 👇)
G7 mountains list in Peninsular, West Malaysia
On 28th of June 2017, day 4 at Mount Tahan, my both knees were seriously injured due to overstress my ligaments, and the cartridge has been dried and inflamed. Descend is the most suffer and painful even my thigh muscles had swelled too. Cos we need to cross another 5 rivers and hiked down to the campsite, so I have to take a pain killer. At the same time, my hiking friend helped me to massage my legs at the riverside before continuing our journey. Thanks to her who gave me a great therapy.
Without her, I can't imagine how worst I can continue. 😥 (Look at the picture below 👇)
My hiking friend helped me to massage my legs
Today I still continue hiking and camping.
I believe everyone thinks that hiking is very harmful to the knees. For my experience, yes it's true. But if you know how to do a proper workout and recovery, just build up and strengthen the muscles on both thigh and calf, it will protect the knees. Trust me! It's working!!!
First time I took out my t-shirt and had a picture shot just by a sport bra
First time I carried 16kg backpack for 6 days 5 nights
Finally, I'm at Mount Tahan peak. The highest of a mountain in Peninsular, West Malaysia 
Famous spot of "The plane crash site" on the way to Botak campsite
The most dangerous and tough part, 15 ladders to step down
A negative mind will bring some symptoms of sickness and illusion. Keep it up for a workout is like a cycle of life. When you stop the workout, your life will stop functioning forever! So this is the true story that I've been gone through of experiences in my life. If any of you want to know more about taking care of knees in detail or want to join me for proper hiking and recovery, you may comment below or find me on Facebook and text me in messenger. 😄

8th June 2019. The latest hiking trip at Mulu Pinnacles in Borneo, East Malaysia
Sharing is caring. I hope my sharing experience is beneficial to everybody. Just my 2 cents, no offense intended. 😉