Monday, October 15, 2012

Run Run Nike Run 10K 2012

This is first time I joined Nike run which it only run for 10km. The purposed they created was mainly for youngest from schools student. Honestly it was totally too pack during run and I've been push away few time when I was running. The worst part is when I reached the finish line, I've been squeeze inside as the front of people was crowded till couldn't move at all. I was almost fainted. (X.x)

However, their finisher t-shirt was so cool instead of medal. Besides got party and some singers and dancers to perform. Anyway, it would be my last join for Nike run. No more next time. (==) 

At the start line. I'm ready to run. (^^)

My housemate and i. Both of us stand by.

At the finish line, crowded like sardine without moving. (==)

Collecting finisher T-Shirt. (^^)

Nike Run Malaysia.

Party on! \(^O^)/

Beautiful lights on!

Shooting in front of finish line of display. LOL~ (^^)

Crowded till i've to stand far a bit while shooting.

Yeah~ Both of us made it! (^O^)

Coolest finisher T-Shirt! I love it! (^^)

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