Monday, July 30, 2012

工作愉快 (^^)

在前两天周末里,也是我第二次加班回到办公室工作。虽然很累又倦,但是我的心依然活跃又开心。为何? 因为不只是我一个人而已,而是一班同事一起合作。嘻嘻~ 老实说,我一直怀疑我的要求,到底我这份职业适合我吗?我有时候很矛盾,曾经有想过要放弃,要改行业。就是从我新加入安利的那一天,我就是想要改行的了。但是安利的路程很不简单,一切都要付出,投资金钱、时间及精神啊!

当我遇上脚踝受伤时,就在那一时刻,一切的安排也毁了。金钱完全不够用,很多发生不幸的事,搞到我再也不能继续,也停止我曾有梦想要求高的计划。后来,我再也不去追求名利。就这样,我就乖乖继续我的目前工作了。不管我多辛苦,我得坚持,咬紧牙根也要继续!我也开始不乱花钱,没有买新衣,新鞋,就连护肤品也减少,用完了也没有多余的钱买。Sigh~ (==)


今天是最后一天斗争,也是会更加的繁忙。精疲力尽、酸背骨痛、眼袋黑肿的我,依然会继续地拼,继续努力直到最后一分钟!好!+U+U 干巴爹!P(^O^)q

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Penang Botanical Garden. Beautiful Saturday Morning.

I'm ready!

Past 20 years ago, my parents, sister and I were always go to botanical garden to exercise on every Sunday. During that time, I was in primary school and I was so lazy to wake up in the morning as I always wake up very early to go to school. After my sister went to university to study, we were seldom to go and slowly no more will be going together.

Last Saturday, 20th of July, sunny day. I suggested and encouraged my parents to go together. At the moment, it flashed me back the past 20 years ago, it changed a lot even the botanical garden also transformed more spacious and greenish environment. From that moment, I've realized that it was a happy moment with family. Although my brother and sister are unable to join with us but until now we are still stay in one family heart as always. (^^)

However, from every single of moment, I'll appreciate and cherish when ever I'm with my parents. Family is the greatest relationship in our life! Be grateful and treasure this precious relationship since we are still alive before its too late. (n_n) 

Before entrance, a big lotus pond in the center of road.

In the center when we pass.

Beautiful structure.

Blossom lotus flower.

Lotus flower. Few bees on it. (^^) ♥~

Lotus pond with water feature.

The entrance.

Welcome to Botanical Garden.

My lovely parents. (^^) ♥~

Fresh path.

I'm accompanying dad to walk together. (^^)

Penang lang likes to use umbrella to cover themselves
even they already wore cap. LOL~ (^^)

My mom is exercising while walking. (^^)

Complete path for people to walk and run but short path actually.

Yellow, orange and red flowers.

A bee on flower. Must be sweet flower. LOL~ (^^)

Actually that monkey is eating the flower. (@.@)

Nearly to the end.

Oouuu~ this is special! (@.@)

Fall down from Pinang tree.

Guess what is this? (n_n)

All flowers are from that tree.

It's canon-ball tree! Unbelievable plant. Cool! (@.@)

檳城~ 我的家乡~




我的家,有将近四十年了。一世又一世不断地流逝,改变很多。我家的可爱狗狗也养了不少呢!在我的生命中,我自己养了两只最爱的狗狗。两只都是母的,而且还给它们一些简单培训,还花了我的宝贵时间去照顾它们呢!(^^) 这次我不能再养了。因我现在租房,工作时间长,所以无法去领养一只啊!不过,我家的老爸总是爱宠物。不是养鱼,就是养龟,不是养狗,就是养鸟。哈哈~ 目前我老家有两只狗狗,一只是Jack Russia的品种,名字叫NONO。另一只是Pug的品种,名字叫SHINE。NONO是很活跃又调皮的母狗,而SHINE是很吵又溺爱的公狗。(^^)






老爸的乌龟。哈哈~ X-D


我们一家人的最爱,榴莲!!! (^^)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


好人难做、千古罪人、不知所措、一言难尽、无辜、无奈、无助...... 好心真的有好报吗?心肠善良的人往往都会被人利用,被人冤枉,被人说贱女人。难道我为人找着想,保护他人有错吗?古人说:我为人人,人人为我。 不同的人对“我为人人,人人为我”的诠释是不同的,但它的基本点是“相互依存、互相帮助、互利互惠”,体现了有乐同享和有难同当的人生哲学。但是,在我的生活中,我总是关注我身边的朋友,从不会为我自己着想。我从来没要求过回报,只希望对方能够过得幸福快乐。可是,偏偏对方为了利益,任何事情都可以伤害。虽然我已习惯成自然,但是我也有感受啊!或许前世的我欠人太多,今世要还吧!*叹气* (-_____-)

什么是友情?友情是人类感情的一种,泛指朋友之间存在的感情,是使人类能获得满足感的一个基本感情,友情与人类的生活密不可分。我很珍惜每一份友情。不管对方多不好,我总是会伸出一臂之力,去协助他们。很可惜的事,他们不会珍惜。难道珍惜会很难吗?幸福的存在,是用来珍惜的,而不是拿来肆意挥霍的。是不是拥有的幸福太多的缘故,以至于我们模糊了幸福的来路?是不是诱惑太多的缘故,以至于我们为了一时的刺激,愚蠢的摒弃了那份平平淡淡却最真、最暖的幸福吗? 好无奈啊~

世事如棋,人海茫茫,能够相遇相知,或相亲相爱,自有一种缘把我们牵系。 只有懂得感恩和珍惜的人,才能获得人生最大的收获,那就是快乐和幸福!学会忘记,让身心轻松;懂得舍得,让生活变得更加和谐美丽 。 忘记是一种风度,舍得是一种智慧。更要懂得舍得的真谛,懂得忘记的心灵升华,让精神得到提升,懂得舍得会活得很精彩。学会忘记,懂得舍得。其实,生活的本身就是在于不断地吸取、积累和淘汰。生命是一种过程,就是吸取有道理的,积累应该堆积的,淘汰那些个糟粕。


Monday, July 16, 2012

Tabur Hill West. Adventure Day.

Yesterday Sunday, weather was cloudy. I went hiking with a group of old friends which was my first time to join in of the group to hike this hill, Tabur West. It has been more than a year that i haven't hiked this hill as i hiked few times already. 

I woke up at 5:30am to get ready while waiting my friend to pick me then depart from my house at 6am. Calculate time to reach at the Tabur Hill West of start point will be at 6:30am then hike to the half stage will be 7am. But when we reached the start point already 7am. (==) However, yesterday was cloudy, i couldn't see the sun bright cos a lot of clouds covered the sun. Just a little bit of bright to show up between the cloud. However, it was nice weather as not so hot when i hiked to the peak. (^^)

I had wonderful hiking activity and my stamina is getting improve better than previous after i've joined SCKL marathon. I will keep going and continue to maintain my stamina and train more. Yeah~ (^_~)

Beautiful sunrise *Hipstamatic effect*

City view *Hipstamatic effect*

Originally sunrise *shot by Iphone*

Cloudy sunrise

Opposite hill is East

Beautiful clouds

Dam view

Everyone is shooting the view

Strange leaves

At the peak

Grass carpet. (^^)

Orange green grass

Beautiful texture

Peach colour flowers

Nature beauty

Stinky bean. LOL~ (^^)